Books by Len du Randt

Friday 24 February 2012

Someone I know through my wife just posted the following on my Facebook wall:

Len I just have to tell you I am half way through your book, btw love that it's so nice and long, and honestly it really REALLY has got to be be of the best books I've read! Your style of writing is incredible! I was telling James last night that even though it's got a religious basis you have written it in such a way that anyone can appreciate and enjoy it. Love your portrayal of all the characters...brilliant work! well done!!!!
Although she knows my wife, she has absolutely NO reason to give me fluffy wuffy feedback. She is well-read and is also the type of person that calls a spade a spade, regardless of who you are.
If you have read the book and second her opinion, let me know. If you totally disagree and hated the book... yep... I'd like to know that too. Every single strand of feedback means the world to me and I can appreciate the fact that not everyone is going to like this book.
If you don't have the book and would like to see what the fuss is about, simply click on the cover in the flash box above or go to and get your copy there :)

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